Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Have you seen my new homepage, updated to be mobile friendly?

Hey gang. It's been a while, hasn't it?

I'm back and will be making updates to this blog in the coming days!

Also, have you seen the new homepage?

I've launched a new, streamlined and mobile friendly design that is compatible with desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones. Soon, I'll be using this design to update each page of the web site.

Stay tuned!


Unknown said...

Please help me. I've sent a request. My family is desperate.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear from u.
I thought something very bad had happened to you and your family.
There are so many that need help .
I hope you can help all of us.
Im asking for help with a teeter inversion machine my dr says itwould help my back soooo much.
Im in constant horrible pain
I cant walk without screaming out. They cost about $500.00 dollars. Im sick of just sitting on the side of my bed. I cant sit on furniture.
I cant get back up without help and im all alone. Tnx . for letting me know u are ok

Unknown said...

Isn't it amazing, when one is silent for a while, how the human mind works to create their own perception of what is or might be and automatically they allow themselves to generate negative thoughts. Why is this world so much a "WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME" place and why is it so hard to turn that thinking around and say " what can I do for someone else?????
You drop a tiny piece of bread onto the ground and next thing you know theres about 20 pidgeons fighting over it

Unknown said...

It's so good to know that someone is out there that cares for others!

Unknown said...

It's so good to know that someone is out there that cares for others!

Unknown said...

Its a scam

Unknown said...

May the angels always be by your side, for you kindness will spread out like butterfly's from one person to another bringing happiness and love..... thank you

Unknown said...

I send you an email with my request. Will you be kind to read it please i really do need the help.

Unknown said...

I send you an email with my request. Will you be kind to read it please i really do need the help.

Unknown said...

I appreciate you giving me your time by reading my request for money and giving me hope that maybe someone in this world does care and really will help me. Thank you so much for at least considering my request for help.

Unknown said...

I sent my request I hope my prayers get answered

Unknown said...

I sent my request I hope my prayers get answered

Unknown said...

Love the new homepage. Also the pictures make you feel warm , relaxed and a sense of peace. Thanks for the update

SmileyMagic said...

Hello, I just sent my second request, hopefully my prayers will be answer, or he or she will answer them like the person we are all asking for help. So everybody be greatfull if we do get the help. :)

Unknown said...

Plz help get only child 15yrs old headstone that was murder 11-11-14 it will be 2yrs since this unexpected tragedy that change my life for every 11-11-16 with no headstone I have no source of income I lost everything apartment ect To pay for funeral expenses

Madame Amethyst said...

I am pregnant with my first child. I am trying to leave pa for a better life with my fiance as well as better health care. I need $700 to travel to California to be with my mom. Please help. It is a three day trip. My mom has trouble paying for our tickets. My fiance and I recently lost our jobs. We are stuck..

Email is

Unknown said...

$6000 is what we need. We have another sad story but rather not share it. God knows our need and Ihope God will open someones heart. Cecil Voorhees
129 clyde st
springfield ,MA01107
cash is best even if everyone that reads this sends something it will be awsome.

Unknown said...

heb u een email gezonden ben in afwachting op u antwoord ,god zij met u die de armen en rechtvaardige helpen.

Unknown said...

Hello sir madam,

My name is is Saif from India I hVe needed some financial help I want start a small business for my poor family I'm working but I have not get more money please help me with some money j can start my life

Unknown said...

Sir, my I'm from India plz I need help

Anonymous said...

All I've ever wanted is a loving home and i finally have one with my fiancé who ive been with for 5 years. Its not the best home. we had managed to save 16 grand before we moved in (we lived with my fiances mother for a few years to save our money.) The 16 grand went towards the remodel. The doors were falling off the hinges, the floors were popping up. Holes were punched in the sheet rock. All the windows had to be replaced because they were broken, the carpet was heavily stained so we had to tear it up and throw it away. The floors still need to be replaced. The kitchen cabinets are falling apart. All of our savings are gone now and the house is in shambles. We live in a construction zone pretty much. We dont have any furniture in our house besides a bed that we share and a tv stand. I would give anything to have a couch or a dining room table but we have so much to do to this place, we cant afford it. We see a future in our little home tho, so i just try to stay positive. i know we will get everything done eventually one day. I want a child more than anything but i cant bring a child into our home the way it is now. I know im young but im not getting any younger... i always wanted to have a child before i turned 30 and i hope this house is finished before then. I just want to love a child the way i was never loved. I want to give my future child all of the things i never had. I want to create a life with the man i love. We have three dogs who i treat like my children and they bring me so much joy. They sleep in the bed with us. We have a fenced in back yard for them to play but i don't let them out much because like everything else in this house, the fence is falling apart also and i fear them getting out of the fence. it would cost $5,000 at least to replace it.. I just want our house to be finished so i can live the rest of my life happy with my little family and just feel settled. I want our home to feel like a home. I want our home to look like a home. I don't know what amount of money to ask for. I don't know how much it would cost to finish everything we need to do. I don't even feel comfortable giving you a estimated number because i feel bad asking for money to begin with. But if you read this, and you would like to help us, i would appreciate anything you were willing to give and would be forever grateful to you. I can send you pictures... my current address or any additional information you may need me to provide so that you know I'm not trying to scam you. there's so much more i could tell you that i haven't mentioned only because I dont even know if this letter will reach you out of the many I'm sure you receive daily. Anyway, thank you for your time. & Thank you for helping others in need, even if you cant help me. Light & love
paypal :

dora said...

A Christmas miracle!!! Are you tired of living a poor life or dont have money for Christmas,then here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. i didnt believe it until i requested for it and now i have money for my family to enjoy Christmas Get the new ATM BLANK Card that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account.. IT FREE all you need do is to pay the shipping fee to send it to you,,and you will get it at your doorstep like i got mine.Happiest Christmas ever. With this card,you can withdraw up to $3,000 in a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers on his email (

olamipe said...

Please help me with some money to start a business of my own l have tryed to get loan but because of my credit rating l cannot get loan please please $10000 will be okay for me to start .You can contact me on thanks for your assistance God bless

Unknown said...

How do u know

Unknown said...

Lots of love from me and my husband!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SmileyMagic said...

Hi i read mostly everyone comments, cool i think some are real and not,to each there own. Anyway i have posted 3 of them, when i really needed the money, but in time i have solve them and it was very very hard and i am still very broke. But at that time i did have prof to offer to say there is no lying of what i was asking for and free money didn't ask for it, but i know he or she is very busy, anyway now i am asking for B-day money i will be 58 in June 22 of next week and if he needs prof i can give it. I would love to have 58 dollars for my B-day same as my age. :) I wonder if that is to hard to ask for. If any it would be nice.

Unknown said...

IF ....THIS IS TRULY REAL??? then I think this is an amazing thing that U do....wish there were more people on this earth like you !! It sure would make the world a happier place......keep up the good things that your doing for people less fortunate Amen :)

Watson mumba said...

Am Watson from Zambia i need your help m.
I need financial help to pay a school fee for my kids please help me i need 3000dollar .
Call me no +260974824103 or email me no

SmileyMagic said...

Well Waston, good luck on asking for that. I tried 3 times for when i at last end and thought i couldn't do it, but i did. And it was very hard to do. :( So now i am going to ask for anything that will help me out. And as long i have been on this site , i have never heard this person, if anyone got help from this website. Good day to all.

Watson mumba said...

Am Watson from Zambia i have a small family with two kids.
But am facing hardship in my life to find money to take my kids to school. Please help me i need 5000 dollars to pay school fee.
Help me please call me please +260974824103 or email me

Unknown said...


I was stuck in a financial situation and i needed to refinance and pay my bills for my son's Hospital charges and also get a home.
I tried seeking for a loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit.
But as God would have it, i was introduced to VICTORIA LAWSON Trust Loan Firm ( )
with 2% interest by a friend, and i got a loan amount within few days because i was not always online to responds to her mails.
Today am a business owner and my kids are doing well... so i want to advice any one in need of a loan to quickly contact her via email on
I own Victoria every day appreciation for all she has done in my life. Her service is strong, big and reliable.

*Full Name:_________



*loan amount:_________

*Loan duration:_________


*Purpose of loan:_________

*Monthly Income:__________


*Next of kin:_________

*Email :_________

Contact Her today { } for quick and financial assistance

Unknown said...

Was your request answered?

Unknown said...

Was your request answered?

Unknown said...

Was your request answered?

Unknown said...

Was your request answered?

Unknown said...

Hi Larry I did leave a request for a lil help but in live in the UK as well so do u still help ppl in the uk if so read my email as it's not a very big ask I just want out two iPhones fixed as I bought Kaitlin a second hand working perfectly iPhone 6 S plus I had t to take a loan from my credit union to buy it for her 14th birthday 😫I been told apple fixs them for a 100pound And my iPhone 5s will cos around 45 I know it's not a big ask but there is only me n my daughter live here at my address but I also have another 2 daughter with 6grankida between them and I'm gtn another wee grandson in Feb can't wait!! So I'm really really needing some1 that will genuinely help me so I can Give my kids n grandkids the xmas they all deserve!! 😭😭🤔🤔 answer my prayers thank you 🙏🌟⭐️🌟☀️

Unknown said...

Hi 👋 Larry my request wasn't answered this time but maybe u have been very busy or u just don't want to help he n my kids out a an ickle bitty my email is I also have a Please read my request I'd be very happy if u would thank you thank you thank you amen 🙏 x

Unknown said...

Hi. My name is Stacy and I am a single mother of kids all with special needs. I have requested help a couple of times and haven't gotten single reply. I'm so desperate in need of help I'm just drowning in debts I can't get another car because my last one someone hit it when it was parked in the middle of the night and took off. They hit it just enough to total it out. Me and my kids currently live at my dad's and my brothers trailer on top of it because my ex-husband has started being abusive towards myself and my children and I and we had to get out of there..Is someone that could really help.nI can't afford to pay back a loan right now but I need some help.ninfeelclike me and my children have lost our Independence

SmileyMagic said...

Hi Stacy Chambers, I'm sorry for what have happen to u and family of yours. I know what u mean of what so ever with no answer on the free money behalf, I have also ask for a favor and i even gave that person prof of it. Now i have a death of a family member and i don't even have money for flowers to take, anyway good luck to u.

SmileyMagic said...

Well, good luck to all of you for asking and with now answer from this blog. I have never heard of anyone to receive money from this at all. But i wish it would happen to me or some one who really needs it.

Unknown said...

Dear Friend,

Do you have a huge debt that has been giving you sleepless night? Or you need a reasonable capital to start a business of your dream?

The GSF INC USA. will help you with a donation. This is not a loan, its a free donation from us and this kind of donation only comes from us once in a year 2017/2018. Be smart, act fast and let us know how much you need and your location?

Warmest Regards.

Unknown said...

I have emailed you back a couple of times. Have you received them? Please let me know as soon as you possibly can. Thank you

Unknown said...

I hope that you are needing and I truly hope that I do too. But anyways good luck to you

SmileyMagic said...

hi good Samaritan, Yes i need a small loan for some flowers for a wake,. MY mother inlaw has pass way on the Oct 8 and the Wake is on this thursday, on the 26 of Oct, it would be nice. Victoria email is to hope u will answer me back.

SmileyMagic said...

And yes Stacy Chambers i read ur email on this page and i hope that person will help u too.

Unknown said...

Be careful everyone. This site is riddled with fraudulent activity. See sample email from 'GSF Inc."
The writing is littered with grammatical errors and Bible verses. Definitely Nigerian scammers. Watch out!!!


Its a promise that you will get a donation from our foundation after paymeny of gift tax. My word is bond.

"Under special arrangements" which is the fact that you're a donee. Under the US economy policy, a donee is responsible to take care of the gift tax. Our foundation is registered with the IRS and all transactions are being monitored both internal & external. The US government is not against us donating money to you but atleast you must be willing to pay a token which is the "gift tax" under special arrangement with our foundation, you and the IRS.

However, our donation is not open to the public because its difficult for us to know people that are sincerely in need. In that case, we do not have a website or registered with any social media and we don't publish testimonies either. But I can give you email contacts of few people we made donations to in the past. Am sure they had be willing to share their testimonies with you. You have to do everything within your power to raise the gift tax fee.

Please contact the following email for testimonies.

And we believe in the Bible verse that says (Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you) Matthew 6:4.

Yours sincerely.


Unknown said...

People donate money all the time to people and do t have to pay a gift tax. Why would you scam people who are in need? Shame on you. You are also using a company name.(GSF INC. ) Wow.....

hoihnu said...

I am Hoihnu from churachandpur Manipur in indian. I am a being mother of two daughters my husband was died in last older child is 5 years and the other one is 1 year...I am so worried about my two kids I want to give too quality education but I have no job and salary income i need your help please...I want to start small business like dukhan shop because I lobe my king kids I always to keep safe... Sir if you thinks this is your right choice a
Then you can help me...I want loan but no one can give me because I don't have a job or no salary income please please help me...I no e you will understand my problems I can't tell my problems all please try to understand me...God blesss you..

Unknown said...

Am a good Samaritan who is supporting over 25 pupils both in primary, secondary and technical college and per now the number has increased and my resources are not enough to manage all of them, kindly can you help me us with financial and material support? For more details you can check on Facebook ( twenet orphan support and youth support) or reply to your reply will be highly appreciated.

Unknown said...

Are you interested in getting a loan for your debts, house rent, utility bills or car purchase?

This is a great oppotunity you want and your loan percentage is affordable to foreign and local customers.

comtact us today via email:

Scott Jacob.

Unknown said...

I know im shocked

Anonymous said...

Are you interested in any kinds of hacking services?
Feel free to contact TECHNECHHACKS.

For years now we’ve helped so many organizations and companies in hacking services.
TECHNECHHACKS is a team of certified hackers that has their own specialty and they are five star rated hackers.

We give out jobs to hackers (gurus only) to those willing to work, with or without a degree, to speed up the availability of time given to jobs!!

Thus an online binary decoding exam will be set for those who needs employment under the teams establishment.

we deal with the total functioning of sites like,

+ SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, google hangout etc.)













Thus bewere of scammers because most persons are been scammed and they ended up getting all solutions to their cyber bullies and attacks by US.

I am Jason williams one of the leading hack agent.


And our WORK SUCCESS IS 100%!!!

I’m always available for you when you need help.

Contact or write us on:


Jason. W

2020©️All Right Reserved

Mills Dachin said...

Are you a victim to Scammers and you will love to recover your lost funds back. CONGRATULATIONS in advance as you contact M&D GROUP OF HACKER (A.K.A) SCAM HUNTER for positive result. For BINARY RECOVERY and to spy on your spouse or any of this ((University Grades. Loan. Wiping Criminal Records. Credit Score. Blank ATM Card. iClouds Breaching. YouTube and Phone Hacking)) over the years we have stand as BackUp for individuals Organization to secure & to recover there lost Files/Password/Bitcoin and funds etc. to get your job done please Email any of our GURUS REMEMBER YOUR HAPPINESS IS OUR PRIDE

Anonymous said...

We offer very low interest rates in relation to the slowdown of economic activity (recession) in most countries in the world, Our company now offers affordable interest rate loan, so what do you need funds to boost your business? Or are you in need of money for some personal purposes? Why not contact us now that we offer individuals and legal loans at an interest rate of 2% for a maximum period of 25 years. Interested applicant can contact or email us back via email:

Dr, Benjamin Owen said...


Hello, Do you need an urgent loan to support your business or in any purpose? we are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan Company. We offer loans to Business firms, companies and individuals at an affordable interest rate of 2% , It might be a short or long term loan or even if you have poor credit, we shall process your loan as soon as we receive your application. we are an independent financial institution. We have built up an excellent reputation over the years in providing various types of loans to thousands of our customers. We Offer guaranteed loan services of any amount to people all over the globe, we offer easy Personal loans,Commercial/business loan, Car Loan Leasing/equipment finance, Debt consolidation loan, Home loan, ETC with either a good or bad credit history. If you are in need of a loan do contact us via Whatsapp +19292227023 Email
®Capital Managements Inc™ 2021.
Share this to help a soul right now, Thanks

Rkia de Nooij said...

y'all need to be very careful on here as i have spoken to all the recovery experts on almost all these platforms.
i had to use the risk of surfing the darkweb with Thor browser through the darkweb with Duckduckgo before i was able to hire the russian h4cker Vladimir Kolarov

their Specialists are well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reputations And Recommendations🔘

They hail from a proven track record and have cracked even the toughest of barriers to intrude and capture all relevant data needed by Clients.

they also have Digital Forensic Specialists, Certified Ethical Hackers, Software Engineers, Cyber Security Experts, Private investigators and more.
Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle free by Linking you Up With these great Professionals such as JACK CABLE, ARNE SWINNEN, SEAN MELIA, DAWID CZAGAN, BEN SADEGHIPOUR And VLADIMIR KOLAROV More. These Professionals are Well Reserved Professionals who are always ready to Handle your job with great energy and swift response so that your problems can be solved very quickly.

All You Need to Do is to send them an email on chat/ talk with Customer support on the website who will set you up for a schedule and then Assign any of these specialists to Handle your Job immediately.

Anonymous said...

BARNESHACK INTEL is a Group of Multinational Hackers. An affiliate of Evil Corp. We make sure by all means necessary that our clients get the best of services on a🔐PAYMENT AFTER JOB IS DONE BASIS✔️. Rather than send money and trust a criminal to fulfill your deal, you can make sure the job is done before WORKMANSHIP is paid for. You'll get excellent customer service.
That's a 100% guarantee.

if you have been a VICTIM, contact :
✅ OR for directives.
Here, it's always a win for you.

Without any Reasonable doubts, it is no news that BARNESHACK INTEL offer one of the best Hacking services world wide.
Amongst others, services we offer are listed 📌as follows :
[ ] Binary Option funds recovery
[ ] Social media hack
[ ] Recovery of loan scam
[ ] Recovery of dating scam
[ ] E mail hack
[ ] College score upgrade
[ ] Android & iPhone Hack
[ ] Website design
[ ] Website hack

🤳 Email> OR
▪︎︎ Cell number
: +1 (240) 339-3355
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BARNESHACK Intel 2021.
All rights reserved.