I received so many messages from so many wonderful people. It makes it difficult to decide who I can or should help, how much to give, etc.
So this time I chose to send $300 to Carl from Missouri, who needed help with electric bills that have been piling up. Like most of us here in the States know, it was a very very hot summer. It's really easy to run up the electric bill in a hurry when you have no choice but to run the A/C morning and night just to stay comfortable.
Carl didn't mention if he had a family or if he lived alone. But in any event, I think this will help get him back in the good graces of the utility people.
It does make me feel great to be able to help people, even if it's in a small way like this. As always, I encourage you to do the same for your friends, neighbors, family and even strangers if you can. It's easy if you try.
Have a wonderful day everyone. Keep the letters coming and I'll be back here soon with another update.
You are an Angel.
You are an Angel.
:) !! dont stop believing! "BePositive;BeHappy"
Honest spoken truths....Reality of LIFE & the key to happiness... ALL OF WHAT'S WRITTEN UNDER "Special Features"... If only eveyone would realize you cant buy happiness...
I sent my requet today. It matters not if I am chosen to receive this gift,all though it would be nice. I am truley feeling blessed to have found this site and to know that there are good people out there who do care.
To whom ever you are, I thank you for all you have done for people in need. :-) Tracy
You're amazing. This is a great idea, and I completely agree. If everyone who had a dollar to give, were to give it to someone who needed a dollar we would all be much happier, more fulfilled and this world would be a better place.
Please help this single mother pay for medical expenses and post operative care for a much needed major heart surgery that she needs done as soon as possible. Your generous donations can help save the life of this 38 year old single mother. Within the last 6 years of her life, Nancy has endured Cancer of the ovaries. Nancy received a complete Hysterectomy at the young age of 29. Since then, her heart health declined. Doctors have had Nancy on multiple different kinds of Estrogen replacement, but the bio Identical Hormones she badly needed is not covered by insurance. Within the last two years, Nancy has been suffering from heart pain, and numbing of the left side of her body. Doctors have revealed that Nancy has a tricuspid valve leaking in her heart which needs to be completely replaced in her aortic valve due to an underlying infection in her heart. Nancy also suffers from heart problems that involve several abnormalities within the structure of her heart. This woman is only 38 years old, and she is a devoted single mother to her 11 year old son. She has no family to turn to for help and your donation will help her to get the surgery she needs. This surgery will save her life, and keep her in the one place she wants to be which is in her son's life, to watch him grow and give him the love that only a mother can give. Your donation will go directly to Nancy's life saving open heart surgery, heart medication, and her twelve week post operative care. Nancy is a former Christian school Teacher and a survivor of a very abusive former marriage. She raises her son humbly with love but she longs to have the energy and good health for him. This much needed surgery will allow Nancy to have a life again, and to start over with her son in good health. The cost of this surgery that will not be covered by insurance and heart medication totals $352,000. The rest of the money will be used for Nancy's re-cooperation and post operative care. Please donate today.
I do not know if Nancy will see this or not, but if you do see this Nancy trust me you can do it. You and I Nancy are sisters in the fact that we have the same body type. The only differenace is I was 21 when I found out about my cacncer and my baby was only 9 months old. My baby is now 26 and has a baby of her own.
I am 46 now and have cancer,5 heart attacts and a few heart adjustments under my belt.Everyone around me acts as if I am made of glass and will break at any moment because of what the doctors say. But I know I won't break because I refuse to. Well, that and I know that God has his angels watching over me.
The angels watch over you too Nancy. Just remember Nancy the we are the strongest creatures on Earth...We are women. We give life in spite of horrific pain. We protect in spite of our fear. We love in spite of heart break. We can do this in spite of what medical books say. You and I are going to get through this because God never gives us more than what we can handle. And remember Nancy you have heart problems, they don't have you. I have faith in you Nancy. You are a woman, one of God's greatest creations, you can do this. You will also see your grandchild Nancy. I know your fears and pain and I know it is not easy. Just have faith and don't let anyone tell you that you can not do anything because I know you can do anything when God is on your side,and your mind is set. You can do this Nancy. I know you can.
I'll be praying for you and your family Nancy.God bless you Nancy.
I've made a request for financial assistance at least 3 times. I realize the decision of who gets assistance is not mine, however, I'm past desperate. I have Cerebral Palsy and Type 1 Diabetes. I have an extensive work history but had to go out on disability due to diabetic complications. I came to Florida at the advice of my sibling . I needed family assistance, as it tuens out this same family stole what savings I had. I make 1522 a month in disability. My share of cost for medicaid is 1322. That leaves me with 200 dollars to live on. I pay 800 a month for an apartment that is not wheelchair accessible. I can't afford my insulin, I owe three hundred in rent, five hundred to my dad because he loaned it to me so I could put something to rent. I have always been a helper and now I need a helping hand. I am commenting to this blog in the hope that someone will be able to assist beyond the scope of whomever is offering free money. You are not allowed to make a request more than once a month so I am trying to use all options I can think of. I am not even eligible for food stamps. I have been praying someone will see or hear my plight and be able to offer financial assistance. Thank you... God be with you this holiday season.
Hello Mam/Sir,
I am a community volunteer at a church in south miami dade through Workforce because I receive TANF. I have to admit I am a person that loves to help others but at The Upper Room I am not only loving helping others but is receiving the word of God everyday I am here. So I will do my part by always helping others even if I cant help myself right now, Thanks for your inspirational words and your acts of kindness to those less fortunate.
Thank You,
Veyonda Jones
The shortest distance between your problem and a solution is is only the distance from your knees to the floor
Ask and you shall recieve
Terra dawn
Camille. My heart goes out to you and wish I was in a position to help. I have been down and out, hard! So many times in my life. As hard as it is. Try not to stress... At the end of the day, what has it done? Has it pd your bills? Its done nothing but make matters worse on you. Faith is putting it in Gods hands completely and "knowing" somehow it will be taken care of. Get on your hands & knees an pray but not only pray, have complete faith an believe my friend. He has scared me a few times and really tested my faith but never let me down. May God bless you in so many ways..
Terra Dawn. Love this! Amen :)
https://www.gofundme.com/4ckfz2-new-home. this is not for leazure its gonna be my home. Please help if you can.
I need an angel.
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