Well, summer officially arrives today in the Northern Hemisphere. So for me, that means summer has officially begun. Three months of sun and generally lovely weather. I'm looking forward to making it a great one.
It also seems like a good time to get back into the giving spirit. I've gotten A LOT of letters lately and have been a bit lazy in following up with personal responses. So to make up for it, I'd like to really help out a few great people today.

Free money recipient #1 goes by the initials "J.S." and is from the province of Ontario, Canada. I am sending J.S. $500.00 (US) for his/her family's use for groceries and possibly for a small family outing to the beach. I wasn't immediately aware they had beaches in Ontario. But I suppose one of the Great Lakes counts. Or perhaps they're heading to the Atlantic coast? I've been as far north as the state of Maine on the Atlantic seaboard and it's lovely this time of year, if a bit chilly for the swimmers.

Recipient #2 is Monica from California, USA. I happened to catch a Beach Boys concert live for the first time in my life recently and enjoyed it tremendously. A letter from the beautiful state of California made me a bit nostalgic for a different era when the Boys sang about sun, cars, girls and beaches. Nostalgia and memories are a nice thing. But I also know that even in California people face challenges in making ends meet. I've shared $150 with Monica to use as she pleases for general expenses.

Recipient #3 is from Spain (or, Reino de EspaƱa). Can you believe it? My first recipient from outside of North America. I've not purposely neglected our brothers and sisters around the world. But since this site is presented in the English language, I think it's a little less noticeable to folks searching in different languages. So most of my requests tend to come from the U.S. and Canada (and a few from other English speaking locales). But now that the international door has been opened, I hope to occasionally spread good will far from home. My new friend in Spain will remain nameless here. But she will receive $100 USD to supplement her income. She is currently unemployed and I hope this will help make ends meet.

Recipient #4 is Tyler from Ohio, USA. Tyler is young and a recent college grad. The $50 I'm sending can be spent on whatever he chooses. But Tyler tells me it will mostly be used for gas for his car.
I appreciate everyone's letters and will continue to accommodate when I can. In the meantime, do something good for someone today. You'll be glad you did. Keep those messages coming and I'll be back soon.
Tomorrow is my daughter's 15th birthday and she is high honors at high school. She will be 15. I wish I could give her something special, but I think I have already. The drive to succeed. I couldn't put a price on that.
Wow... May God continue to bless you for this great work you are doing :-)
how will i know is this a scam or what only time will tell have a bless one ps: if it is real why want you HELP time is too short for playing games when families are in need
Wow, if you're really doing this, good on you. I'm a cynic, so I'm not convinced, but I also have a gernerous nature and know that some people are just like that. I keep myself in the poor house by donating to charities, particularly the local non-kill animal shelter and charities for disabled or disadvantaged kids. My partner and I both lost our jobs this year, so we've put our credit cards into starting our own small business. If we become profitable (rather than go broke and lose our house), then I intend on helping other older and physically challenged people to get back on their feet, because I know how hard it is for us. So if this page is legit, well done! Just don't end up living on the riverbank because you gave all your money away and if you do end up there, please don't put your dog in a shelter, your dog will be happy living under a tree as long as he/she's with you :)
I believe this is real. I pray it is. I sent you a letter :) If you're real look out for my email. My name is Deidre and I do really need help. So I hope you're real I want to believe you are so I will believe you are.
Hope you are real and am looking forward to hear from you.Am from Kenya and have send you my own composed poem.My email is kiemamusau@gmail.com
Can I be among the lucky ones?
Well, I am going to pray you are real. I will send you a letter and hope you can help.
You are a kind generous person.
i just sent you a letter. I pray that this is real. even if im not picked bless someone else. times are to hard.
i sent a letter too. if i don't get picked bless the persont that does. You are a Angel like i said.
It is a true blessing to have people like you out there. We all go through hard times and some even harder. I pray my email reaches you...a true angel indeed you are.
- Robin
It is a true blessing to have people like you out there. We all go through hard times and some even harder. I pray my email reaches you...a true angel indeed you are.
- Robin
It is a true blessing to have people like you out there. We all go through hard times and some even harder. I pray my email reaches you...a true angel indeed you are.
- Robin
I have been reading a lot about you. I guess you must wonder sometimes if you were told the whole truth by the individuals you help? I hope you know that by being the way you are sparks my faith in mankind.
I had convenient stores once, and I saw many come in pinching their pennies, as many bought their gro. from my stores and I would deliberately not charge for some items, tell them I had a buy 1 get 1, and give the kids ice cream and cookies and such. I think we can all help from time to time, now I am the one needing it. I do not see my request, but I thank you for your time anyway. Good luck !
Real or not seeing someone help another is what made me feel good inside about this web site . mark in Washington
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Is what I got upon sending you a request. No idea what it means.
All these comments, but I don't see 1 single person saying thank you for money received... Are people really that ungrateful, or is this some sort of scam ?
I do not know if it is real or not, but I do know I have written a few times in a financial peril, and I see months later where he will send someone money for extracurricular activities. Not having money to feed a family or keep lights on should have precedence in my opinion, but I thank God that I am no longer in that same situation. Having to resort to begging a stranger for money in hopes that you'll have some help only to receive nothing (no message or anything)only gives you false hope. If you're truly struggling, I say go to a church and ask for help in addition to posting here. There is no guarantee you'll get the help you require.
Don't ruin hope... Sometimes its all people have.
I am with Hopeful Mama... I also was in a bad situation a few years back were I was losing my home when the economy crashed and was getting evicted with my kids and had no money at all. I found this site in hopes to get help and I got nothing. I do believe this is some guy with a huge ego that needs to be filled with all the nice praises from people hoping he will see the nice things they write about him and maybe if they kiss ass enough he might pick them. This guy is not real and what people need is to not believe in someone who isnt doing anything to help them and put that beleif back in themselves to move forward and pull themselve back up. Scott what you are doing is giving these people false hope and its not right. I do read alot of comments and like others have said I havent seen not 1 comment from someone who has received money from you.... not 1. You have let alot of people down and you should be ashamed.
I have been reading all the stuff on your site and you are a very courtious and generous person the way you help people in need so for that I say thank you for being you and I now ask in return do you need help with anything at all like yard work wash your car ect. Sincerly Kristina Dunn
Were is this link at so I can ask for help
Im reading a lot of negative comments by people on here, upset that they werent picked for free money because they think their own needs are more important that someone elses...well people I just wanna say that you should all be thankful that this individual even exists and is helping people regardless if it is you...he or she does not owe "you" anything, we are all struggling, times are hard...and sometimes people genuinely need a couple bucks to do something fun when all they do is work, pay bills, take care of their kids, etc...so instead of criticizing, please just be happy and positive that this exists...and most importantly, dont ruin hope for others....sometimes Hope is all we have left....
I think this guy just gets off reading everyones sob stories. I have not once seen anyone comment with a thank you for funds received. go get your jollies off elsewhere and stop giving people false hope.
Y in the world would some1 do this if its fake? But i didnt get help and im just poor. I need help. U r so rite it just rong if this is fake
Hey I'm Trevore from Norfolk Va I'm wondering if you still out help I need help bad if you can help me email me at jonestrevore@gmail.com or text me 7579326907
This is so nice may God bless u my mail ismailayoolaabiodun@gmail.com.c
Please bless me i need money now.
I need money for my schooling.
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