Thursday, April 28, 2011

Windy spring day - up before the sun and ready to give away money

It's about 5 in the morning where I'm sitting right now, and the wind is really howling outside. On the news, I've seen that some regions of the United States have been hit hard with spring storms. I guess I'm blessed to merely be woken up by noisy wind this morning, and I'll say a prayer for all of those families affected by the terrible storms in the south and east.

Since I'm up though, I thought it would be nice to update this blog so you'd all know I haven't forgotten about you. I've been lazy about posting this year, and finally have found a moment to catch up.

So I'll go to the mailbag and pick a recent message ... today's free money request comes from Mike in Kentucky. He wishes me well and expresses his gratitude for this web site. Mike needs money for bills - a common issue we're all very familiar with. Sometimes day to day expenses can overwhelm us. So to help with his household bills, I'm sending Mike $300. That should go a long way toward making a car payment or buying groceries, paying down a credit card or getting summer clothes for the kids.

I'm not certain what Mike will choose to do with this money. But I encourage him to use it wisely and, one day, pass the gift on to someone else who needs it.

Stay safe everyone. I'll be back soon to share more good news with you.


Anonymous said...

you are a saint... i know that is probably what people say alot but you are mike is very lucky to have found you... we all are thank you so much...

redrockwolf said...

It's amazing to see someone doing things to HELP people, these days! So many times, I've been turned down for just a simple ride into town to buy food!

Cindyzs (cindy stewart/freespiritczs) said...

This is. Cindy, & yes. I just asked 4 your help. I wanted to tell u 1st thank u. Yes a lot of people will think u crazy. Others that. U have been touched & Blessed by God.
I know what it is like to help people esp annonomously. It is one o the greatest feelings in the world. I have always done this as well as being called the volunteer queen. Been doing that since 6 yrs old.
A few years ago God bessed me with winning 10. Grand. I paid my bills then wound up givi g over 5 grand to those I knew needed it. I now wish I had it for me but I don't regret it. It always makes my heart feel as bir as the highest mountain!
As a 10 yr old I wote a. Paper when I get 1 million dollars I would...of course it started with mommy and daddyB then 6 siblings to go to collegeB friends & and family then I think the most fun of sll was to just go up to people inn diguise and hand them money!! The dream is a little different daddys wiith God kids grew up but have grandkids. So its pretty much the same but more people I know need help. Someone once told me their is noow way to spend a million dollars in one day. I told them watch I think it could be. As for myself I would like to own. A small house and a new carB not a. Bmw or fanct car or house. I am not a fancy personB but I have never owned either one. That's what. I wanr foor myself oh and to. Pay all of my debts then I trust God to show me the way for the rest.
God bless you. And I pray. He keeps you healthy, happy, and whatever else you may need in your life. Thank you for what you do and to those who receive don't forget to "pay. Ir forward" great movie by the way. Thank you and sorry for going. On so long. Can u tell I'm a talker! Lol

Unknown said...

U are a blessing and a miracle me and my daughter couldn't believe there is people who really do care

David said...

I agree you are a Saint. I will get everyone to view your site and blogs I will place you on my twitter and face book pages.
God be with you and stay safe and happy.

David said...

You are an exceptional person. I have not found anyone quite like you on lin but there is alway the first time.
You are a Saint. May you go with god and enjoy all the happiness you and your family deserve. You are wonderful.
Stay safe and Happy.

Sable24x7 said...

Hello there I just wanted to say I love reading your blog. There are not too many people out there who care about anyone but themselves so it is nice to see people like you. Yes I have also sent a request to you for a bit of help. I know you cannot help everyone and may not be able to help me but at least you are helping alot of others. Some may need it much more than I do. Thanks again for having this wonderful blog.

Paula said...

I don't know if I want a hand out. I just want to learn how to make money for me and my family. My husband has had a lot of health issues and our credit is now keeping him from getting a good paying job. That is profiling. He wants to provide for his family. We are trying to make money the old fashion way. Earning it. But if God put it on someone's heart to bless us financially, I don't think we would refuse it. We try to help everyone we can, and now we have lost our income. I know there has to be a better way to live.

mmnsu said...

Hello Scott, what a breath of fresh air to have found you and your site. Daily I read or hear through the news about the harm, hate, and conflict being exhibited amongst our fellow mankind. My life has been filled with heartache and loss, but, it is all the Blessings I have found along the way I want to focus on. I am 46, have had Muscular Dystrophy for 19 years, both my parents, and my foster parents are deceased, my grandparents are deceased, and my 2 brothers are deceased, but 4 years ago April 22, 2007, our only daughter was killed while riding in an auto with an 18 yr old girlfriend of hers. She was 16.
This was the most challenging for our family, my wife was in such a deep state of depression, but through faith, and the desire to find something positive through all of these tribulations we founded the Meagen Michelle's No Stone Unturned Organization, but, living on a disability check didn't give us the finances we needed to pay the state and IRS to get up and going, so, we called on our community and did a couple fund raisers. We are still attempting to get up and going but know ifit is Gods will, it will be done.We would like to share our web site address with your readers, not to ask them for assistance, but so they can request assistance if they need it when we get established financially, thank you so much and may God continue to watch over us all, and Bless us all, and a special prayer for you and yours Scott, you truelly are a breath of fresh air , keep up the great work, Rick D,

Amy said...

God has blessed you with a caring soul. I would love to be able to meet you someday! I just want to say thank you for your words of encouragement. I have turned my problems over to God, and I believe he sent me to you. After reading your blog and all these wonderful posts, I believe I am in the right place!
Take care and God bless....

Liz said...

Hi, I think that God has given me the opportunity to come across you because I've ran out of resources. You are getting to do what I have always wished I could do. If I ever have the funds to help people the way you are, I am going to. I feel that I was created to help others is why I'm going back to school.That's why I'm entering every contest I can find so I can have a chance at getting the money to help my family and friends but I also want to help people I don't even know.If that's crazy then just call me looney cause this is my ultimate dream. God bless you for doing it just because you can.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Head

Fairity said...

I had prayed just last night for God to guide me in how to get some help with my issues, and maybe He has guided me to you or may be He just wanted me to know there are true saints & angels out there whom still care. I love reading your blogs and thank you for your help in letting me just write someone whom might not be judgmental. Thank you

scott.stephens53 said...

i think about a better world everyday if this is real u are a saint godbless scott

scott.stephens53 said...

today is a strugle

riccie said...

finally there is someone who cares about others. You may not help all finacially but just knowing there is someone like you to listen is a Godsend. Thanks again for listening and God bless YOU


David said...

I always thank the heavens for kind people everuyone should be that way kind and caring. I have been there helping all my life and I have never had to feel like I was losing it all! Now after losing my job of 14.5 years and a money to pay my bills with, I find myself about to lose my home. You never know how someone feels until you walk a mile and lose everything to understand the empthy feeling one feels.
So yes I say GOD bless those that can do something for someone else. I have alway believe if you are lucky to have a little more than you really need why not help out a Brother or Sister or friend and or, even someone you don't know at all. GOD BLESS YOU!

Robin said...

I just found this site, and am not sure if this is real. I have been looking for work for over 2 years. I wish you could help with that. I don't know how I am going to save our little 4 room house. If my husband knew I was posting this, he would be really mad, but I am scared. I need our home for our little girl. It's not much, but it is home. Thank you for listening at least.

Robin said...

I just found this site and don't know if it is real. I am trying to save our little 4 room house so we will have a place to live (I have a little girl). I have been looking for a job for over 2 years but cannot even get an interview. Plus, I have alot of medical problems that make finding a job difficult. I wish somebody would sign us up for that "Bus driver, move that bus" show (I forget the name of it). Anyway, either way, thank you for letting me vent here. I am just frightened. Have a nice day.

Robin said...

I just found this site and don't know if this is for real. I am trying to find a job and save our little 4 room house. I have been looking for over 2 years, but my medical problems are making it difficult. I cannot even get an interview which is discouraging. I have a little girl, and our house is not much, but it is home and we want to stay here. Well, I don't know what will happen, but thank you for letting me vent. Have a nice day.

countryannie58 said...

You are such a positive soul...I really hope God Blesses you to teach others how to not give up hope.Someone refered you to us.

countryannie58 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
countryannie58 said...

I thank God for you and hope he continuously blesses you to help others and to teach them not to give up hope

Anonymous said...

you are an angel and my hero
Alyssa M.

Anonymous said...

you are an angel and my hero
Alyssa M.

Emily Hall said...

You are a Christain man, I can tell. It shows in your website, and with the caring heart you have for others. I pray that God blesses you more than he already has.Thank you for your kindness and your willing to share what God has giving you.

Affiliate Network Site said...

Well, a lot better than another site I was just at.
Guy was giving away money but was asking for Donations.
If you are Asking for Donations, then you dont have Money to give away.

Samirah said...

You are definitely God's angels..sent from above. This is excellent. I love when people help one another. God Bless. And i will pray for Mike. God doesn't keep people down for too long.

Elsie Njoroge said...

Wow, its always good to help people. God loves the hand that giveth. I am teaching myself alot from you and i hope the world would be so full of people like you. then we would not be hearing of droughts and famine especially here in Africa. God bless you

Humboldt Venom said...

Just when I think there's no hope, a miracle happens. You my friend, do Gods work. BLESS YOU.

pegesus said...

If you could find it in your heart to help us too that would be great. I am a single mother of a three yr old. who is about to lose her home. I have no finances as everything goes to bills eg mortgage on my house that just won't sell. so as I am trying to keep a roof over our heads. there will be no christmas this yr for us. As I am struggling to maintain normal utilities for my daughter. It all gets worse each month. Deeper into trouble. But need to maintain a brave face and cheerful nature for my daughter. Please help us. You can do this by visiting my site. (yes names are changed for our safety but you will see that all in my story, To date this has been unsuccessful and resulted in no help what so ever. But I have Faith !!!
Thank you for your time. And Merry Christmas

pegesus said...

If you could find it in your heart to help us too that would be great. I am a single mother of a three yr old. who is about to lose her home. I have no finances as everything goes to bills eg mortgage on my house that just won't sell. so as I am trying to keep a roof over our heads. there will be no christmas this yr for us. As I am struggling to maintain normal utilities for my daughter. It all gets worse each month. Deeper into trouble. But need to maintain a brave face and cheerful nature for my daughter. Please help us. You can do this by visiting my site. (yes names are changed for our safety but you will see that all in my story, To date this has been unsuccessful and resulted in no help what so ever. But I have Faith !!!
Thank you for your time. And Merry Christmas

Amor said...

Wow, you are indeed a saint...Thank you so much! I have sent in my request on your website and I pray to God that you will consider assisting me. God bless you.

Mama steph said...

Can anyone help me please i feel like im about to explode... 626 488 8641 stephanie

Mama steph said...

Can anyone help me please i feel like im about to explode... 626 488 8641 stephanie

Mama steph said...

Help!!! Im gonna explode :( 6264888641 stephanie